
Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

So, here I am blogging world.  I know a few of my friends are thrilled and the other billion of you don't even know I exist.  I thought my first post should be an introductory look into my life and my favorite things.  We can start here...this is my favorite man.  It is a blessing to wake up next to him every morning!
Easy on the eyes, huh? Well if you agree with that, wait until you see my kids.  Gavin, aka, Gav-a-tron is our first.  This one is blazing the trail for us! Then along came Lucy, aka, Tiny Bug. These two fill our days with joy and challenges.  Keeping us young and giving us gray hair.  
I hope to use this blog as a way to keep in touch with some, inspire others, and maybe even challenge a few!
Thanks for reading,


  1. Very excited for your blog! Definitely looking forward to many more :) !!!! Miss you!

  2. I am enjoying your blog! You seem to be a blogger like me. Very sporadic ;). P.s. I would LOVE for you to teach me how to "modge bodge" (spelling).

